Saturday, October 4, 2014

Saturday's Solitude...........

Burning Bush

It is a very cold day and we are planning to stay inside all day.  It isn't going to really warm up much.  I had a freeze scare this morning when I saw we were almost 32 degrees F.  I had seen frost warnings and we were a county away from it.  We arrived home late in the evening from going to a visitation and I was not thinking about any freezing going on outside.  Fortunately we did not freeze but it was sure close.  The wind chill is very cold as we have had gusty winds for two days now. The potted plants look good now as the sun has come up for me to see them.

The really good stuff has not started to fall yet but some leaves are landing into groups for me to photograph.  The strong winds are loosening the early turned leaves and they do look like leaves raining down.  We are pretty green yet in the most part but the maples are the first to turn. I have learned that the early turned leaves of the birch are ones that immediately curl up and die and the rest don't turn for a few weeks.

My one planter of hardy geraniums keeps getting blown over in the wind.  It might just be the first thing to come inside for the winter. This is the reddish orange one that sits among the stronger true red flowers. I probably need to dump a large amount of water on it and it would weigh it down better.

This is a wet capture that I took a few days ago when it was misting. It has a very subtle blur or it could have been a great photo. I am running out of photos for blogging so I will have to venture outside for that later today.

We were glad to be able to see the family of my 2nd cousin Shellie.  Time marches on and everyone has aged so much.

Her dad is now in a nursing home as he was one of my older cousins.  The older brother of Shellie  is in his middle 50's now and I had not seen him for a very long time.   Of all my cousins from the family of a 10 member family, my dad part of that 10, Shellie's dad, Jerry, is the only one who has the exact features of my great grandfather Burgus. I never met my great grandfather but from the photos I have seen, he is an exact copy. His mother, my aunt Amye, partially resembled him in the woman version of him.  Now that he is in his upper 70's he really resembles him. 

I would wish for better weather but I will deal with it anyway.  I can see the whole town is staying inside for now.  Being out in the wind last night and traveling to southern Iowa did makes us both feel like we had colds again.  I think a lot of coffee and hot cocoa is in order for the whole day.  We may even put in an apple cobbler later in the morning.   Thanks  to all of your for stopping by my post today.


  1. I hate to see winter come so soon.
    It is very chilling down here now with wind that just keeps blowing.
    My glories look very sad today. Your white ones are still looking good.
