Monday, October 6, 2014

Forgot my Title.......Monday

It is Monday and I really didn't get much in the way of new objects to photograph over the weekend. It was a busy weekend and I ended up picking raspberries, tomatoes and apples.  I have plenty more to do out there but I am back to being a teacher again.

Orange seems to be the predominate color this year among the zinnias but there are a few other colors.  I have a bud that looks like it will be yellow but I doubt I ever see it bloom.  I really have enjoyed the zinnias and I can take shots of them everyday.

Our cold snap last week removed all the morning glories from my picture taking activities.  The vines didn't like the wind chill of the 32 degree F. temp.  I noticed a couple of my hostas didn't like the cold either.  Everything else hung tough.  I guess too the tomato plants seem a little bit in decline because of it.

I am beginning my first week as a science teacher. I am subbing today as a sub as he took people on a field trip.  Tomorrow I spend the day with him as he teaches so that Wednesday I will be fully in charge.  As long as I have enough to do give them work this will be a good job.  I review with them more than a normal teacher as I want them to be accountable for every single days lesson.  I think asking questions to check their knowledge is the only way to get them to learn.

I have a lot of daycare photos I would like to share but he is with his group in most of them and I don't think I can share the group photos.  I did crop him down out of some but the phone photos are from the daycare provider.

AJ is growing up fast and that is what I want him to do.  I want him to grow up, be healthy and learn all that there is to learn.  They have taught the kids how to sit around a table and eat at the same time.  They look at books at the same time and they know how to get into a line to be led somewhere.  He isn't even 2 yet so he is growing to be a good group participant.  One of the students is his best buddy and another little girl, it is told, he helps with her to get things in order.  I like hearing those kinds of things.

I hope everyone will have a good day and thanks for stopping in on my post today.


  1. I remember our sons at that age and the moms talking about the "terrible twos." I have no recollection of anything terrible happening in those days at all....:)

  2. Two year olds are so much fun! One of my favorite ages! Your AJ is getting tall!! I hope your stint in Science goes well:)
