Sunday, October 5, 2014

Sunny but Cool Sunday...........

All the moisture this summer has paid off with me having one more harvest of rhubarb.  I picked my one batch and still need to return to pick another patch.  This batch spent the night on the top of the garbage bin lid as I now remember that I forgot to bring it in yesterday afternoon.  I was carrying in a large bag of apples and a smaller bag of tomatoes and didn't return for the rest.  

The ladder against the shed lets me reach a lot of apples and if I get up on the roof from the other side of the shed I can reach another big batch of apples that is still hanging on the tree. Those at the very top will have to drop down on their own.  I have been near when an apple falls and I really don't want to get bonked on the head by an apple.

 While I peel the apples and slice them into small pieces my wife is making the topping . She also is putting in the sugar, cornstarch  and spices while we cook up the apples.  It speeds things along and we can whip out a cobbler in very little time. I like to wash things up as we go so we can pull it off stress free.  Did I mention that it is so good warmed with vanilla ice cream on top of it?

I am going to peel up apple batches for freezing so we can have apple desserts all winter.  I will need to freeze the rhubarb also.

We are going to warm up a little more today.  The sun is shining and we still have some wind.  We didn't get close to freezing last night.  My large container of oxalis were shocked a little from the very cold the night before but it is inside now and looks like it will revive to good as new.  I may take it back outside again for the week. I hear people out there mowing but I won't do it until we really do warm up some.

 I really had not noticed that the everbearing raspberries have revived for one more picking.  I will go out this afternoon and try to pick some of them. The mosquitoes are practically gone because of our near freeze two days ago.  I stayed away from the area because of the insects so I have not been checking on them. I have never had this late of picking of them before this fall.

The aging and decline of the zinnias always give me a new variety of shots to take for the blog.  I am so glad that Far Side sent me some red seed to remind me to plant zinnias this year.  I whined all summer last year because I had not planted any of them.  I had two patches this year and I may have more next year as they are not hard to grow. 

We are off to Sunday school today and we will pick up a sandwich and soup afterwards.  We both are under the weather from being in that very cold strong wind on Friday evening.  My wife has her cold returning for one more bout while I am just aching from the cold and past work last week.  Healing up is slower the older I get.   I hope everyone has a good Sunday and thank you for stopping by today.


  1. You need one of those long handled apple pickers!
    I was pleased to see your Zinnias this year:)

  2. We got our first cold weather last night. It go down in the 30's. It is nice to see the leaves changing now. The apple farmers have been busy around here.

  3. I don't believe you have fresh rhubarb at this time of year!

  4. So nice to have those apples!
    I like it when autumn comes on gradually. Not all in one big freeze.
