Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Next Door Color.........

The maple next door always gives us a great show and I don't have to rake many of the leaves.  It is a beautiful tree and there are two more in their yard.

The burning bushes keep giving me great shots of color.  The one bush has hundreds of berries and the one next to it is not putting out many berries.

The birch tree in front of our bay window gives us a great show each fall.  They are turning quickly now and when the light shines through them it is a stronger yellow color. We are studying photosynthesis in Biology so I am getting my fill of teaching about chloroplasts, glycolisis, and ATP storage.   It is a lot more than I need to know at my age.  We have stopped receiving rain and will now have sunshine for the rest of the day.  I am blogging late today and the sun shines into my classroom helping to warm the room.  Thanks for stopping by today.

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