Monday, October 13, 2014

Monday, Monday just............

I was so interrupted with life that I finally made it to the berry patch late Saturday evening.  I was able to pick another 2 cups of them  I washed them and placed them on a cookie sheet to freezen them.  They were bagged up on Sunday.  I didn't do an exact measuring but I am pretty certain that they would fill the two cup measuring cup with a few left over.  They do cook down so it doesn't matter if they are not exactly 2 cups.

Fall in my orchard forest looks like this.  It doesn't stay this way for long as some of the trees really start to drop their leaves quickly.  The blurry looking burning bush is in the foreground.  The river birch and apple trees are in the back ground.  The poplar tree is on the right.

 Bacon and tomato sandwiches are so good.  We rarely buy bacon but once in the fall we will make the sandwich with homemade toasted bread and crisp fried bacon.  This is the last batch of tomatoes that I picked and so when they are gone the salads will slow down and the blt's will also slow down.  The tomatoes left out on vine right now are all split from weather changes.  I will cut down the vines this year unlike last year.  I did clear them in the spring this spring and immediately planted again.

It is a struggle for this iris but it is putting out a green sprout in the middle of it.  I had to go through all of the ones in the store and this is the only one left that had any life still in it. It does look sick but it may get to looking better by the time snow starts falling.

 Monday morning in the science room and we are so busy.   It is easy for students to find distractions and some just are never tuned in for the day.   My gold fish survived the weekend and crawdad from the other tank committed suicide. He crawled up the side of the tank and was found dead and dried out on the floor.  We are foggy and wet today and it is suppose to rain later today.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Pretty raspberries. BLT's are a favorite of ours, too. Hope you two will have a nice week.

  2. The crawdad moved out for good! Your raspberries look great! We didn't get any picked this year, but I froze some store fresh ones...but it isn't
    the same:)

  3. Like you, Larry, I also harvested berries from our yard a couple of years ago. Ours were strawberries which I also bagged and froze, adding in asorbic acid (vitamin C) to preserve their color and freezing on flat sheets before placing in containers. When defrosted, the berries became very mushy,mlike buying frozen ones. So after that we simply ate the ripe berries vs. freezing.
