Saturday, October 11, 2014

R and R When the Work is Done..........

The red maple is turning colors on the east side.  I have a couple of stray leaves that have turned red.  The trunk itself has a line on it.  I will be watching that as I have never seen that on the tree before now.  I will watch and learn to see what that is all about with its appearance.

The birch tree is turning yellow from the south side of the tree.  It always looks great to see the yellow leaves out our bay window in the living room. Once they turn, the leaves of the birch fall quickly.

I am happy with my successful move of  a new start of  a William Baffin rose.  It was growing about two feet away from the parent plant and it did transplant great to a different location.  I had not been watching it but it appears to have shot out longer thorns and top leaves. It is one of those roses that you respect as it is very thorny.  I have declared battle against the creeping Charlie.  I have the material to spray on it.  It may take me a few years to eradicated it but I am going to at least work on it.

The hardy geraniums are wearing down.  They are all in the house now again.  I think I will just leave them inside now.  It takes awhile to move birds from out of the window for the winter and takes time to trim back and get the plants settled in for the season.  They are in a cooler room but they get the benefit of a large window.

I have a few chores to do today which are not much but I have to attend to them.  I am planning to take my wife to the big mall in West Des Moines this afternoon.  We may eat at the mall food court and rub shoulders with the city folk. 

If time allows we will come home and just rest. I have my first week of subbing out of the way and it may be three more weeks, a week longer than planned, for me to see the end of that job. We are not warming up to be very warm, 61 degrees, F.  but that is not too bad compared to the low 40's.  I hope everyone has a good day today.  Thanks for stopping in today.


  1. Your Geraniums and Begonias are still looking healthy and full Larry !
    I allow mine to die after the season is over, the reason being I have very little sunlight coming in the windows since the front and back windows are both covered by porches.
    Enjoy your shopping time in the city with your lovely wife, food-courts are a form of entertainment unlike any other :)

  2. That picture of the maple tree is very nice the way you've taken it, although yes, I'd keep an eye on that line up the trunk. Almost looks like the tree is cracked inside.

  3. I like watching the maple trees changing colors. When the leaves at the up turn red and the leave at the bottom the trees look like they are on fire. I hope to start on a garden at my house next spring.

  4. Could the tree have been hit by lightening? Strange to see such an exact injury...hopefully it will scab over and be okay. Good that you have one week behind you, hope you get some rest over the weekend:)
