Sunday, October 12, 2014

Sunday's Shots..........

Zinnia's in this patch are looking pretty rugged.  I guess I need to think about collecting seeds but I will wait to do it as late as possible in the season before the seeds fall on the ground.  My largest sunflower is dropping chunks of seeds onto the ground so I will cut that down this afternoon to save the seeds.

A tomato grouping that I picked late Saturday.  There were a few dozen of different sizes that I could place in a plastic grocery sack to bring into the hous. 

The birch tree shows the changes happening and each day it turns more yellow.  I will have to take another photo soon as it changes so quickly.

Thanks for stopping by my spot today.  I wish you all well.


  1. Still getting tomatoes...good for you! :)

  2. It's funny how it all works in the fall. I have two birch about twenty feet apart. One totally yellow... the other hasn't turned at all yet.

  3. Hope you get lots of seeds.
