Thursday, November 6, 2014

Harvest Moon.........


The harvest moon has done well at keeping us lighted up at night. Of course the clouds blowing in from the northern cold country keeps it partially cover most of the time.  While walking Barney last night I could see thin clouds in wonderful shapes darting across the sky letting the view of the moon show through periodically.   For the good photographers out there, I actually took this late afternoon the other day and the photoshop allowed me to tone it down a little so the craters would show up in the picture.

Our evenings are cold now and the photo shows how the sky is looking like a winter sky.  Most all of the leaves are fallen but I do see one silver maple that has held on to a lot to its leaves.  All the others are bare.

The juncos are back.  I don't know if all are back but I do have a good group of them at the feeders.  I am assuming that they are coming from the northern states and Canada.  I am not sure why they stay here as it would be warmer further south.

I had three bluejays on the feeder yesterday afternoon.  I was glad that I got a few shots of them as I had to go back out and work on the house after I took the pictures. They didn't come back while I was working.

It was a three layers of shirts kind of a day while painting on the house. I can't paint today as it is going to stay so cold all day.  I can sneak out and do short timed jobs but it would be hard to stay for long periods of time. 

I painted the kitchen windows, a set of side by side windows from the 60's. I had put off painting them as I wanted to replace them instead. Replacement didn't take place so I painted them white trim and all.  I can put the storm sheets back on them today without getting too cold. My neighbor puts the pressure on saying it all looks good and it will look great when I get it all done.  I doubt that I get done but I will hit it when I can.  The wind is not felt on the south side of the house so I can do some of that kind of things today.  We have a very sun shiny day today but it really is deceiving. I hope all are well out there and thanks for stopping by today. 


  1. Great photos this evening, Larry. I love the moon and also, your home with the wintery sky. We see a lot of blue jays in our yard too. It was near 70 today but very windy. Colder weather is on its way.

  2. The Juncos came with the snow this week. A few Blue Jays too and lots of Woodpeckers:)
