Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Home Again.......

My long term sub job is now over and I am going to stay home a few days to play catch up on the loss of 4 weeks not being home.  It is suppose to be our warmest day today and the rest of the week will be pitiful. I will clean up outside and throw some ancient siding away today.  I have painting to do when it gits warmer than 42 degrees F. 

The look of fall is upon us but the apple tree has still not lost its leaves.  We did have a hard enough freeze to take out some of the tomato plants and zinnias.  I will collect seed from various things and save them for next year.  I want to dig my dahlia today and will move some other plants to get them away from a porch project I plan to do.  When the porch gets widened I don't want to leave good plants under the floor to die.  I guess it is a peony that must be moved and I don't know what else I can move out of there.

The neighboring cornfield did get picked and now we know that the growing season is over.  It was an early planted field and it was ready to be picked weeks ago.  I am glad the corn hung on the stock and didn't fall to the ground.  The newer pickers are so good that there isn't loose corn left on the field anymore.  The corn is picked and shelled right inside the combine leaving halved corn cobs on the ground.

While outside last evening the harvest moon was out in sight.  It was hard to take pictures of the cornfield and the moon at the same time as the moon was already pretty high in the sky.  I could see the craters of the moonscape but this photo does not show them. 

We are windy today from the south and the temps are getting to be cool everyday.  It was cool last evening when I was out there while wearing my son's old lettermen's jacket to keep warm. 

The maple tree is pretty much bare but the base of it has a few stray leaves hanging on to it.  I am not leaf free out there but I think that I am done with the yard.  I chop up the leaves and the parts settle into the grass.  The few remaining will shrivel up in the snow and be gone by spring.  The squirrels are busy this time of the year jumping from tree on the bare branches.  They don't have any cover now so they don't stay out in the open for very long as the travel to the apple tree or the walnut trees across the alley.

I left a good apple on the arm of the bench on Sunday and I didn't get it taken into the house.  As you can see a squirrel sampled my wares. I don't know if they store apples in their holes but I do see them carrying the small apples across branches and fence to take them back to their tree.  I suppose a dried apple would taste good when there isn't any other food to eat.

A busy day of work today in store for me and I am staying away from the list today as I know I will never get it all done.  I will just be glad that I am moving forward and not standing still. 

Thank you for stopping by today.  Have a great Wednesday!!!!


  1. Never get the list done is right. I have not even started of my list. I hope to get some of it do when I am off from work next week.

  2. Looks like you are getting a lot done. That apple must taste sweet,
    lucky squirrel to get fruit.
