Saturday, November 15, 2014

Late at the Laptop.......

The squirrels are waiting for me to put the ears on the two feeders.  I found an old feeder in my dad's garage a few years back.  I almost three it away down there and then I brought it home.  Again I almost tossed the old beaten up feeder into the fire then I didn't.  So today I put it up on a tree in the back of the house.

It still works even though the old nail was pretty rusty and I had to work hard to get the corn to slide onto the feeder.  The feeder in the front of the house has been hit already by two squirrels but this one has not been visited as of yet at noon today.

The snow storm did not hit us.  It is in the afternoon now on Saturday and we have a light snow.  I guess the computer predictions didn't get it right so far.  We may not be out of the woods yet on the snow but it sure is going to be coming late if it does.

I am doing battle with my old furnace today.  I needed to buy a new grease gun this morning so I could loosen up a bearings on my blower.  It is still blowing fine but it does have some problems with bearings making some noise.  I do know how to replace the bearings on this very old furnace but would rather wait.  I did have to read the directions to relieve and airpocket so the grease gun to actually work. I think a new furnace is in the future so  my old one is giving me some grief.  We will not freeze and it will all still keep working so no one needs to worry.  It is always the way things work when it comes to timing. PS.
The grease has helped the blower to be very quiet now and the problem sounds it was making are diminishing.  That is a good thing.

Birds do have strange behaviors.  Not a bird was in sight all morning on the feeder and then a light snow started around noon.  They all came in on the second floor and began to eat.  A nuthatch keeps slipping in to grab a sunflower seed and then leaving quickly.  I have not takers on my suet so far but when there is a lot of  snow on the ground the peckers will show.

I was late posting this day but I did get it done.  I was finding things to do that kept me from the laptop.  I hope all is well with my blogger friends.  Thanks for checking in on me.


  1. So you are a furnace repair man too! I bet some grease helped! Hope you have a great weekend! :)

  2. Adding grease to the bearings worked. It took half the day for the bearings to improve and now we can barely hear the furnace fan running. Geez I should have done that a few years ago.

  3. I wonder if the birds are feeding under the top feeder because there are birds of prey in the area. I notice the little birds at our feeders disappear into the bushes if a hawk, eagle, or even jays fly overhead.

    I am glad to read you won't be freezing from lack of a working furnace.

  4. The squirrels and birds do enjoy coming to visit you. Glad you can be warm as you watch from your window.
