Friday, November 14, 2014

Shutting Down for Winter........

A fall collection in the flower bed accented with a fallen stick is waiting for it's coating of snow.  Saturday is the day that it will start to snow.  The red leaf is from a stray tree that is a volunteer in the garden. There is not going to be much color left in a couple of days.

The same logs are in the same pile as they were last year. I didn't need them for an emergency to burn in the fireplace. 

The stalks of the last of the phlox are really dead.  They just haven't dropped their leaves. The phlox seems to be volunteers in among an iris bed.

The guy with his bucket was moved to a new location during the week. His bucket has rusted through which helps keep the bucket from holding water.  It is good so the rest of the bucket won't rust away from sight.

Here is another shot of the cardinal bracing himself against the strong wind that we had earlier in the week.  It has been windy a lot around here as the polar vortex mixes with the southern less cold winds.

I am back in the special education room today.  I am only one person today and not covering for two.  The classroom teacher is back today and I am an associate with only one person following them around to different classes. I started my day out earlier today as I had outside bus duty with all the little kids that travel to our other school in Granger. I then moved on to hallway duty until school started.  The elementary is down there and the  middle and high school is here in Woodward.

We will go for some last minute groceries.  We are ok but everyone makes their last chance journey to be sure they can survive the storm.  We have to stop  for some prescriptions and then we will be all set.  It is good for it to be Friday and being stuck in all Saturday will be a good thing. Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Hello Larry, Sounds like you have already endured a busy morning. I love the Cardinal photo. Thankful you two can get your groceries and scripts before the snow. I sprained my ankle badly yesterday but thankfully I had already stocked up on food and pet food. Stay warm and safe. God bless you both.

  2. It was -6 F here this AM...not much fun. We need more snow to make it warmer...but it has to warm up to snow! Hope you have a good weekend! Your Cardinal is a beauty!
    We try to keep stocked up during the winter...we hate slipping and sliding to town:)

  3. Larry, when you wrote about going out for groceries before the storm hits, I had to wonder if you got bread, milk and eggs too. It seems those are the things that are always emptied at the grocery store when bad weather is forecast. I figure people must make a lot of french toast. Hope you have a good indoors weekend.
