Thursday, November 13, 2014

Tornado.........November 12, 2005.

I have not ever been able to get this posted on the anniversary of the day that the  tornado hit our town. It was 9 years ago. A young man, a former student, is out taking shots of the tornado rather than going inside for shelter.  I had been raking leaves and the weather channel was telling us that Woodward had 4 minutes to get into their basements. My leaves were rearranged that day and I never returned to rake them.

The young man does have language that isn't necessary but he did get involved and had great excitement as he put himself into danger's way. You can hear his father yelling at him to come inside.  The tornado seemed to be one large funnel as it approached the town but it did split up a little with the larger part heading toward our side of town.  It is interesting to see Jeremiah notice that it had taken a turn as he looked east. That was at our end of town that it hit coming up Cedar Street.  About two houses away from out house it took a turn into our neighbor lady's backyard taking out all of her barns and farm buildings.  The famous corn field that I share all year ended up with  scattered debris and the tornado kept moving.  Houses were destroyed on the east end of a building development. It took out a house north of Madrid and went on the fly over Ames, Iowa while a football game was getting ready to start. It landed again in Slater, Iowa taking out many houses.

Jeremiah Nance had been in my youngest son's class but then dropped out of school.  A few years after shooting the Woodward tornado he developed a pancreatic cancer and lost his life.

The weather channel is sharing this off and on its channel still today with a lot of the middle of the tape removed. Jeremiah made a copy of this tape and handed it to the local tv stations once they arrived at our beat up semi demolished Casey's General Store.


  1. That was one scary video, too bad the young man died. Hope you don't get weather like that this November:)

  2. I've never seen a tornado but was at a Twins game at the old Met stadium when 100 mph winds blew the roof off the right field bleacher. That was scary enough for me...

  3. Incredible video. Sad about the young guy who recorded it.

  4. Tornadoes are beautiful and destructive all at once. So much power.

  5. So sad he said words that weren't approved of in the video. Honestly though, sad to hear he passed so young. Don't care if he cussed like a sailor. Not even a thought of it. They're just made up utterances to express emotion.
