Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Tuesday's a Go.......

The rescued bud rewarded me for giving it warmth and water.  It is a little blurry but the photo still gives one a good idea of its perfection in white.

I am trying to be a better gardener on the inside of the house.  I now know that over watering is far more threatening to a violet than the under watering process. This probably came from a greenhouse with perfect growing conditions.  I will do my best to keep it alive and blooming with neglect. 

I shared a similar photo of this squirrel eating on a piece of apple.  I have seen where they eat at some of the apples on the ground when I see bites in the fallen apples but I have never seen any one of my squirrels eagerly chomping away at the fruit. 

It is a busy week for me and I have been off schedule with my blogging.  Life can get to be so hectic.  I am finishing off my job with the science classroom today and I am glad that it is done.  The guy and his new knee seems to be doing good.  I will will walk out at the end of the day today with a smile on my face.

Thanks for stopping in today.


  1. So that's what been chewing on my windfall apples....:)

  2. We've tried to trap and relocate most all of our squirrels, they do tend to eat everything in sight.
    Your little fella is so handsome :)

  3. I know you are weary of the science teaching job. This is a cute pic of the squirrel. He sure seems to be enjoying himself.

  4. Rain has set in and I got the last of my white roses in a vase.
    Fall has been beautiful but will miss summer flowers. Now the gray and brown days are on us.
