Monday, December 8, 2014

Control your Camels...........

The story of why I have these two camels is a long one .  The great thing is that I finally brought them out of storage to be used for decorations. They are bisque fired ceramic pieces that were never glazed.  I like them the way they are, sculpture-like, so they will never see color.  Someday they could get fired with a coat of flat white glaze to make them less apt to get dirty.

The glass blown ornament trees are now up.  The medium sized tree and a small one handles all of boxes of ornaments even though they are a little crowded.  I could buy a bigger tree and put them all on one but two smaller trees gives us a chance to place them in different rooms. That is the last of the trees to go up now.

Two more major things to do are left on the list and that will be the last of the decorations to show this year. The village will require the two of us working with great cooperation to get it up the stairs, out of boxes and onto the buffet counter. 

The toy coal car really can makes you think about how hard it was to shovel coal into the engine firebox.  Coal was heavy and difficult to slide into a shovel.  This replica isn't perfect in appearance but it does show some of the structure to reveal how it was shoveled from one location and into the back of the train cab. This train company didn't line up the back of the coal car with the platform of the engineer cab.

It is a dog's life of work, eating and sleeping.  Barney can't keep track of everybody, that means the two of us, but he does wait  for my wife at the bottom of the stairs to be sure that he can be the first to greet her when she comes down. He does not like us to go upstairs to bed and does bark.  He went up the narrow old stairs once when we first got him and it sounded like a wild deer coming up the way.  He is built too stiff to walk the narrow old stairs up and down so he just doesn't try it.  One should always rest and sleep though while waiting  for your person.

It is Monday and there really are not plans in the house of things to do.  A few necessary chores will happen and anything else that gets done will be a bonus to the imaginary list. We were 36 degrees F this morning and it seems to be good.  The north wind makes it feel very cold and yet we were sure a lot colder.  Thank you for stopping by today. 


  1. Having edited and reedited this post today I finally give up. If there are anymore spelling or grammatical errors I apologize now. It seemed hard today to get the sentences to work and the fingers to work too.
    Hey people, how long has this been demanding verification. Sorry about that. I will fix it.

  2. I like the camels that way too. Looking like Christmas. We're getting a few decorations up now. Warmer than you though. Have a good week.

  3. Those are some familiar looking camels, I think I painted some like that years ago for my Mother In Law. I know I used some gold and silver on are coming right along with your decorations! :)
    The robot stuff just appeared today
