Sunday, December 7, 2014

Sunday, I Need a Rest..........

The old train had a cleaning and it is now helping decorate the tree on the dining room table. I gave it a good cleaning which was due for some years.  It is hard to clean but I got out an old paint brush and did some detail cleaning of the cracks and grooves.

The back end of the train of course has a caboose. I know a track would make it look more authentic but I don't have a track for it.  I have never made an effort but will someday. 

The smaller tree with glass blown ornaments went up quickly on Saturday.  We put it on the end of the dining room table so it can be seen by outside viewers.  We don't have big family in on holidays anymore so we enjoy having it there.  We have meals at the other end of the table and it really makes a festive decoration. 

I have a smaller tree, two feet high, that now takes the leftover ornaments that won't all fit on this tree. I haven't added to this collection for a couple of years and I really don't need any more.  The last batch that I bought was the Days of Christmas set that included the French hen that you can see at the bottom of the pictures.

The smaller tree will be finished this afternoon and probably the mantle decorations will be up soon.  Snowflake penguin seems to be really bundled up. Considering he is a penguin it does seem unusual even though it is cute.

We hit the bookstore for a short time yesterday and ran into friends.  Had a good unplanned long talk and didn't get kicked out of the coffee shop area for being too loud.  It would be nice if stores put in more places like that where people could gather together rather than just at restaurants.  MeDonalds doesn't quite cut it for a good place to meet people but I guess that would work. We caught up on things as we hadn't seen each other for a year. 

I remember when the 40's felt cold but now it seems to be warm.  We will have warmer days like this for a while and maybe a little snow will fall today.  Now that it is getting closer to Christmas I guess it is time to have some snow on the ground.  I hope all is well with my blogging friends.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Enjoyed your Christmas blog today, We are warm then cold the weather is up and down to much.

  2. So happy to see your trees going up and the beautiful ornaments. I love the train and did not even notice about the track. You two really have some treasures! Thanks for sharing with us.

    So glad you had a nice chat over coffee with friends in the bookstore.

  3. We were just saying how warm 40 felt too. Enjoy the season!

  4. Let me know the distance between the wheels...the width. Looks like O Scale but no sure. I will send you some track:)
