Friday, December 26, 2014

Dwindling Snow........but

I do think we will have snow by late evening.  In case you are wondering what you are seeing this is a snow stick.  It is a metal yard stick attached to my pin oak tree.  When it starts to snow you will be able to see how high the snow is at that time.  It did have snow around it last week but I didn't get the shot.

We did actually have snow last week and the shot of the weather rock shows the amount that we had.  It did warm up the very next day and it dwindled into nothing in a two day period. I didn't have the shoes own that I needed to go take the first snow on the snow stick.  I will work on that.  I have a new camera now given to me from my wife so I have no excuse to get out and take snaps.  It is a flatter smaller camera but it is high powered compared to the quick snap ones.

Button knows how to live as he finds two lap blankets to lay on as he works his day.  He needs to see some hair trimming procedures done to his hair and we have plans for that soon.

I hope everyone is doing well today and that these next few days will be good ones before we hit the new year.  Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. Great looking snow stick, we have the same amount of snow zero inches! What kind of new camera did you get? Button needs some pigtails and bows:)
