Saturday, December 27, 2014


My wife's village has two churches in the collection.  While experimenting with my new camera I took shots of many different things.  The church actually took quite easily.  The camera is a slim Olympus Stylus.  I wanted a small one to carry around in my pocket and the car. My wife bought me a better one than what I was looking at while in Wallmart.

Our son picked up the barn and a house while at a garage sale one summer.  We were asked by a friend if we collected only one kind.  We really just collect things that are in proportion to the rest of the set. We have a couple of things that are probably scaled bigger than the rest but when you put them all out it really doesn't matter.

I see the barn has a sign on it saying it is a tractor supply store.  It looks like a barn to me and I had never really noticed the sign.  We haven't added to the collection for a few years as the only time we add to it is when the late after Christmas sales of them drop the price of them. That would mean we have to get out and fight with the crowds and we usually don't do that.

The feeders are quiet this morning.  We had a light dusting of snow and a lot of it melted as it hit the sidewalks and patio.  I refilled a couple of the feeders but no one is hungry at this time of the year.  The male and female downy were enjoying the different kinds of suet yesterday.

I have five different violets blooming right now.  I underwater them now and the results seem to be better for them to live and bloom.  My hardy geraniums in the window are putting on new buds right now and the majority of the plants have failing flower heads.

The new camera is fun but was a lot disturbing at first.  Things didn't work right for some reason when it came to doing downloads.  The program that the camera gave to me to use for editing photos was good but did require me to do two more moves of the photos to get them on picasa.  After I registered the camera the whole things that were causing me problems went away.  I suppose Olympus has a cookie on my computer now so it automatically sent my photos to iphoto which is what I wanted it to do.

Our major printer that we use to print off art prints died last week as it wouldn't turn on anymore.  We bought a small cheap printer to get us through the holidays for general black and white printing and will get a better one for my wife's art business at a later date.  The printer we bought was the lowest of the line and it is so noisy.  Just like the first printers that they sold many years ago.  It will become my main printer after we  get the bigger one purchased.  I need it to print off letters and things and won't need the color feature very often.

A photo of the soldier on the table reminds me of maybe a dead soldier rather than one that would hang on the tree.  We went to see the last Hobbit movie yesterday and I really liked it. There are parts of it at the end that made it less likeable. 

I will say no more as maybe others still haven't seen it and I don't want to ruin the movie for them. Obviously if there are five armies coming together in battle, that only the good guys surviving would be bad writing. The movie was really done exceptionally well and we will probably go back and see it again one more time on the big screen.

No plans are in order today.  Both of us have a hard time doing nothing but we will make a stab at it.  I have one task that requires work but will delay it for a while.  I appreciate your stopping by today.  


  1. The birds here show up in droves right before a snowfall which we got last night. Lots of downys at my feeder this a.m. too...

  2. Your new camera takes some nice photos! :)
