Friday, December 19, 2014

Friday's Finality........

Another special effects tree photo to share.  I try not to do the repeat sharing of them so I have to go back and check each time.

My wife received a gift from a friend last week.  It didn't mean anything to the person giving it away so we have it for now.

Maynard Reese started out as a painter of fish and I remember the paintings being printed on calendars.  It had to be in the middle 60's.   Through marketing strategies this Iowa painter has done well in the art business.  The Millpond Press company sold prints of his paintings for many years.  Printed, glazed works by him were sold as collector items in the early 70's.  Most of his work after the fish calenders were paintings of ducks and loons in beautiful landscapes.

We have been to his gallery on Ingersoll Avenue in downtown Des Moines area and we have followed his work all those years.  I doubt that he is still painting but his gallery probably still selling his printed work. We have two or three other famous wildlife artists in Iowa.  One was a former art teacher, not me, and he has done very well in the print business. Larry Zach is his name.

Here is another indent replica that I bought a few years ago.  There is a lot of glued glitter on it to represent snow.  I don't think the snow decoration is authentic for a true indent ornament.

I will finish off with furry friends on my wife's bear tree.  It is cold out there again and it is taking my body a while to adjust to it.  We are shipping out a package to Maine today and will need to ship one other out to another part of Iowa.  It is good to get them out and on their way.

I had a half day yesterday to work so I am gearing up today to get caught up on the chores.  I have one frame job to finish this morning and the other three are now done.  Furnace fan goes in this morning and the rest will be fun and frolic.  Yesterday was my last day to work at school this year and that is a great feeling to be done with that.


  1. Hey Larry, I love that Christmas tree!

  2. I don't have any indents with glitter or snow....but that doesn't mean that they arn't out there. That ornament is beautiful! Hope your stint as a furnace repair man goes okay! :)
