Saturday, December 20, 2014

Saturday with no Satire..........

This squirrel is getting dual billing as I posted a similar photo of him on the Photo a Day blog. He looked like he was getting a seed from the birch tree but I think he was thinking I should put a bird feeder in this tree.   I did have a feeder there a few years ago but I think he is too young to have known about it. I took it down because of the squirrels draining it continually. Imagine that.

In the past I would take shots of this ornament and think it would be blurry.  I now realize that it was just painted very badly. It looks like a beginner on the conveyer belt was learning how it was to be done but didn't have it mastered. At a distance it looks ok but now I see there is something wrong with this train.

I have a couple shots of this female goldfinch.  She kept turning to the back and never allowed me to get a good shot of her.

The new fan was installed Friday morning by me.  I had to do some custom work to adapt the smaller fan to the very old squirrel cage opening. 

It is a smaller fan but works really well.  It has to run a little longer but the heat seems more even.  The big fan would turn on and blow heat out of the vents so quickly that you felt you were having a heat wave.  Then when it shut down, it was cold.

The quiet little blower barely makes a noise and it is so smooth at putting out the air.  Less air but continuous air.  I like it.  It can work for a long time until we replace the whole works in the spring. 

We seem to be busy with so many things.  We tried to plan yesterday going to see the last Hobbit movie but it got to be too hectic.  Furnace repaired, plans changed, company was stopping by, and we both were getting stress headaches.  We snuck away to Des Moines in the midst of all this chaos and bought presents for our Chicago family.  Our Maine family had their presents mailed on Friday morning. The more things that we get off the list the more chances to relax.  By Tuesday we should be done with everything and life will be better.  I hope everyone enjoys this Saturday and thanks........for stopping by again.


  1. Well, you have a unique train ornament. It is still very pretty. I love the photo of your tree with that technique on the lights. Glad the furnace is running better for you. Enjoy the season. It'll be a busy day for us with the first family gathering this evening.

  2. The pictures are so festive! I'm hoping to see the last hobbit movie some time next week!

  3. Way to go Furnace Repair Man! It sounds like you are a bit tired, hope things slow down for you a bit...sometime soon:)

  4. I love the train ornament. I just got back home from seeing the Hobbit Movie. I enjoyed it.
