Wednesday, December 24, 2014

I Forgot to Blog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,But Here it Is

It has been a busy day.  It was good that things are winding down.  The two geese have been two of my favorite ceramic pieces.  They seem to have personalities of their own.

The front goose really looks like he has his eye on the camera. 

I have a few wooden ornaments on the tree.  I remember when they were so popular and whole trees were decorated with wooden shapes of churches, toy planes, and elves. They were all small as large wooden items would be too heavy.

 A plastic ornament comes to the tree from my wife's family.  It is a plastic ornament of the 60's with an aluminum star on the inside of the ball.

 This is another glass ornament that I bought because it reminded me of Button.  His reflections make him difficult to photograph.

A not so new ornament but one that is made from some synthetic material.  Plastic is reinvented in the material that they use and it resembles plaster not plastic.  The bear sits on the ball looking out over the sock filled with candy canes.

It is Christmas eve and it is a special time of the year.  I wish you all a special day tomorrow as we celebrate the birth of Christ Jesus our Savior.  Thank you for stopping by today and Merry Christmas to all of you and your families.


  1. The geese are really nice and I love the wooden ornaments. I had fun looking at woodworking books the other weekend. Your wife's vintage ornament is so sweet and the dog does look like Button! Thank you both for your friendship and prayers over the years. Merry Christmas, John and Mildred

  2. Merry Christmas Larry. These ornaments are very lovely!
