Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Tuesday Thrills.........

Bear who has lost his ear still deserves the same attention as is given to the other ones. Wear and tear on this guy happen in the last couple of years but he still is a great looking bear.

My wife goes to a lady's house to paint pictures together.  My wife had been her art instructor last year with an adult ed class.  The woman use to be our neighbor and now lives a couple of blocks away from us.  My wife still acts as an instructor and encourager as the sit and paint pictures together.  The woman is so creative and also loves to craft.  Se saw glass globes on sale and the two sizes fit together to make a snow man.  She painted the glass white and ever has a light inside of it.  Her little hat and scarf  are place on the snowman to make it look good. She gifted to us this guy a few weeks ago.

We have faces looking back at us in the dining room as my wife's doll collection is set up for the holiday.  I use to buy her one doll for Christmas each year.  Unfortunately they went out of style and I don't have a traditional gift for her.  I tried to buy one that was more Victorian and I did pick up different kinds of dolls through the years.

A grown man posting doll pictures doesn't seem normal but I am sharing the collection of my wife.  I find it interesting that the manufacturer of the time spent so much time getting the faces created with such great detail. I use to be able to buy them in big department stores and then they started selling them in Walmarts and Pharmacies.  I guess the Victorian theme has died and the profits from it dwindled so much that they just stop making them.

Things are settling down around here now.  I have had to do physical labor at the farm a few days and that is almost done. I return there one more time today.  We shopped at the mall yesterday and the Monday crowd was small.  We are almost done with gifts for each other but I did think of something that I intended to buy and will do that today at a Walmart.

We have wrapping to do for the neighbor and for the kids that are coming after Christmas.  We seem to have an extra day so we can try to do things with less stress.  We won't have guests in so we don't have to plan meals.  We will plan a special meal for us Christmas day and hope to just rest on that day.  We do chips and dip and sausage, cheese  and crackers or Christmas eve.  There usually is a pie around to eat on for a couple of days.  I hope all is going well with my blog friends.  Thank you for stopping by today.   


  1. I love seeing your many Christmas bears and your wife's beautiful dolls. Christmas is a wonderful time to enjoy their display. Our first Christmas together, John returned to the old 5&10 store in my hometown and bought me a Victorian doll from the very elderly lady that I had bought from when I was a little girl. Wishing you both a wonderful Christmas (and the doggies too!)

  2. Great photos !
    I wish you a Merry Christmas !

  3. Nice snowman! Have a Merry Christmas Larry!
