Sunday, December 28, 2014

Random Leftover Shots..........

A low light situation makes for a fuzzy photo.  I am going to miss the trains but having them out for a month is a good thing.  We don't rush to put away our trees so we can make the season's decorations last longer.

A random shot as I was exploring my new picture shooter.

The fisherman ornament glows red from the red lights surrounding it. He is an ornament that was given to me at the same time that I received a fish ornament.

A stray shot of the toy tractor and wagon in my toy collection.

This is a photo I shared on my Photo a Day blog.  The finches keep turning to brown as the winter continues. We have snow on the way, so the feeders will become instantly active again.  We are cold, in the teens, this morning.  Snow is on the western edge of the state and will be in the central part soon.

We are off to church this morning in Des Moines.  Afterwards we have Sunday school and a potluck with our Asian ministry group.  True Cambodian and Vietnamese food will be the bill of fare.  We take our traditional food and they like that too.  One year we took just cake and they really liked dessert.  One doesn't eat everything that they bring as they like extreme hot spice in some of their foods.  I am talking about hot enough to permanently take your breath away.

We are out of supplies so we will hit the Wally Mart on the way home.  We are still weary from the past few weeks of work so a rest this afternoon will be great.  I hope all are safe and warm.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Your Christmas decorations are beautiful! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas !

  2. Hope you got some rest today! Our finches are more brown than yours...I will try to take a photo one day when the sun is out:)
