Saturday, December 6, 2014

Saturday's Stuff..........

Sitting at the table and looking out, I do like what I see.  The snow is almost gone and the temperatures are hovering just above freezing. My tropical birds in the other room are chirping and the wooden ones make me feel that I am in Florida.

Barney tolerated the assembling of the tree by hiding in the bathroom.  Once it is up he doesn't care much about it.  He doesn't like the room being rearranged but we make paths for him so that he can get through.  This is one of those perfect bad photos as the whole shot is somewhat out of balance.  The angel on the top of the tree is cut off and the battery powered candle leans to the left.  It is the thought that counts that I can share the moment.

I can see by this photo that the dog in the basket ornament has its back towards us rather than facing us.  It is suppose to be the Button ornament with a white dog in a basket.  I will work on that later to correct its position.  We had two sets of lights die out over the storage time so we used less lights this year.  The tree looks fine with less lights as the ornaments do reflect the lights.

The two sets were the same kind and the bulbs were larger than the small twinkle light.  I bet the environmentalist got to them as they probably don't meet up the the new standard of light bulb.  I bought some new white twinkle lights( the right kind that will save the world) to add to the white lights on one of my outdoor deer decorations.  I was bothered to see that the new white twinkles have a blue cast to them and it makes my reindeer now have a pale blue belly now with the rest of it being white.

My wife's angel tree is also up and shining brightly.  It had a mirror behind it that gave things an optical illusion so we took that down.  We have a few chores to do this morning and then we are going out and about in the world.  Chaos will be there but maybe we can fit in to all it somehow.  Warm today and rain or snow is predicted for tomorrow.

Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. It is a beautiful tree and I love your tropical window. Sad to say we don't have a sunny window to put plants in. So I will just enjoy your blog pictures.
    Have a good day!

  2. Your Christmas trees and decorations are very beautiful!!!

  3. Your trees are beautiful! Good for you getting them up! :)
