Friday, January 16, 2015


We had a warmer day than usual.  We lost snow but we have a lot of snow to still be melted.  In the thin areas it thawed and turned things into muddy area. 

I had four bluejays at the feeder yesterday all there at the same time. The rushed in and then rushed out quickly.  I guess my feeder just didn't have what they wanted. 

I found out yesterday that I am having some problems with my photo programs that I use to edit things.  I decided to download my photos onto my two different computers.  The laptop is an old one on borrow from the school.  When I do return it they will send it to recycle.  The laptop has iphoto.  I discovered that I was throwing away good photos.  Pictures that were viewed on iphoto with the screen on this laptop were being trashed by me. 

I downloaded the same pictures on my macbook with a high resolution screen and I could see this wonderful shot of a chickadee. The photoshop program is better but the screen is better to help me see them better.  My having a new camera made me think things were not as good as I like.  When I download the new cameras photos on the macbook they are all great.  So I have to change my habits.  I will be back sitting at the desk with the emac and not in the dining room window.  I will get use to it but I wonder how many good photos that I trashed on this laptop. 

I spent my day loading old car tires from the farm and taking them to the recycle center.  It took most of my day so this blog is very late.  Recycling tires is a wonderful thing.  The place where they process them and shred them is not a pleasant place to be. They don't make it easy for people to recycle.  Piles of tires everywhere with piles of shredded tires were strange to see.  The roads around all of this are muddy and filled with water puddles.  I was definitely mud coated by the end of the day.  We dumped almost sixty tires into a big pile and of course we had to pay them to take them.  I am certain that I will feel those muscles in the morning.

Thanks for stopping by today. 

1 comment:

  1. You had a busy day that is quite a job with the tires. Hope you get to rest on the weekend:)
