Thursday, January 15, 2015

Thursday, All Day........

The wreathe of fake things has come down.  The real cardinals in the past didn't like the fake red birds.  They are so much smaller than a real one but they did try to attack them one winter. The pine cones are real with their added glitter but everything else was constructed in a factory.  I did notice for the first time that my Japanese yew shrub has a berry on it that the cardinals are eating.  The shrub is near the door where this was hanging.  The were flying in and out yesterday both male and female finding things to pick off deep inside of the bush. They do like flying out of there in a lightening speed.

The downy woodpeckers continue their work on the suet.  The nuthatch does come by once in a while to get some seed from it but the hairy woodpeckers seem to be eating somewhere else.

I shared a photo of four old things on my Photo a Day blog.  These two were a part of the group.  The shot was to show the worn off decoration on the lid of the egg.  The photo also shows the grainy veins in the sphere.  It reminded me of ivory tusk and I did find them for sale on the net.  They are illegal of course today as new items but the historic sets are not banned from being sold. The white ones were cue balls and they painted them the different colors required for the game.

We are suppose to be warmer today.  Things may melt some today.  Our temps are never as warm as the big city so we may just be above freezing.  The snow on the ground will still make it feel cold and I am sure it will slow the melting process.

As another blogger mentioned it has been too cold for way too long.  It will be a nice break.  I keep thinking I am coming down with something as I chill so easily but I seem to be ok otherwise.  My tolerance of the cold is down to zero for sure.  We need to venture out to the pharmacy today and will pick up some basics at the grocery store.  I won't go until the frost has cleared of the car on its own while sitting in the sunshine. Our low was 19 degrees F.  last night and that is great compared to all those negative temperatures.  I hope everyone is doing well out there and thanks for stopping in today.


  1. We have lost so many suet feeders to the Raccoons that we stop putting them out.
    I remember the glass plane when I was a kid how neat you still have one.
    Glad it is trying to get warmer for you we are to get a little warmer here but no snow to melt.


  2. Enjoy the warmth, it is finally warmer here too! Did errands yesterday without freezing half to death. No sun here maybe later enjoy it if you see it! :)
