Friday, January 9, 2015

Friday's Findings........

The snow is deep for the cats and the rabbits but you can still see the trail of the feral cat coming to our back door. The feeder for the outside wild cats is kept full most of the time.  It is an instant chill to the house when we open the door to replenish it but we are glad that there is food to help keep them warm. I wished people would be responsible to prevent from having feral cats out there. I fell badly for them.

The birdhouse stands empty as the birds are smart ones that go south for the winter.  It would be nice to find a small place where one could sit up shop for a couple of months away from this Iowa weather.

My neighbor's house is a bungalow.  It looks like a large house but when you see it from the front it is one of the more narrow ones.  It is one large room and one small room wide. The living room is on the left and a hallway with stairs is on the right.  A dining room the same size of the living room is in the back and a small kitchen is on the right of that. The back porch makes the house look larger than it really is when it comes to its floor plan.

I found another photo that I took of the birds from the 12 days of Christmas.  Santa isn't in the song but he starts the line up.  It goes partridge, turtle dove, French hen, goose and then one of the swans a swimming.

It warmed up yesterday for a while at 26 degrees F.  It allowed the furnace to take a little rest but that is still a cold temperature.  We dropped into the negatives last night again and today it isn't going to warm up very much.  We run a couple of major electric heaters to help the furnace out so we can be comfortable.  We have cold spots in the old house that never really get warmed by the furnace so heating them independently cuts down on the draft that does cause.  We keep a heater in with the cockatiels  so they never get chilled.  It is a small heater but it does a great job keeping them from getting sick. We don't have to worry about them night or day.

The weather is really keeping everyone inside.  We went to Wally Mart yesterday and it was a small group in the store compared to a normal day.  The winds were bad yesterday so we parked a little more out of the wind. It helped a little but it was not really a good day for us to be outside.

I hope everyone is staying warm and safe inside.  Those of you who don't have snow I feel you really are not missing much.  It just keeps things from warming up even on a sunny day.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. We have no snow but very cold here. The yard is a mess and the garden looks so bare.

  2. We got some snow and wind yesterday...we are staying warm. We have one of those Infra Red Quartz heaters we put it on in the morning some days. Good to hear your inside birds are warm...we would like to go south too....maybe after we are over our colds:)

  3. Cold here too. You certainly got the snow though. Still enjoying your photos of the ornaments!

  4. That's a pretty neat birdhouse apartment! Four 'too-cold-to-be-outside days in a row here.
