Saturday, January 10, 2015

Slow as Molasses in January........Internet.

So the squirrel can leap to the top of this very thin stick and knock the feeder onto the ground.  I get that it is hard to do but it is harder for me to retrieve it from behind things below where it fell.  The reflection of the curtains in the glass gives you a natural look of what I also saw while looking out at what was going on out there. I mentioned slow internet in the title.  I am getting such a slow draw from their line that I can not move quickly.  We run through a small town near here.  I get identified as being from Minburn, Iowa but that just is the source of my provider. 

This photo does tell the story as to what our weather was like for the last four days. Everyone seems to be staying inside except for those who have to sneak off early morning to go to work.  We haven't added snow but we haven't been warm enough to melt snow anywhere.  I did go for the mail yesterday and apparently it wasn't delivered because of the weather.

The little bird is setting on my weather rock which would be normally covered with snow.  The squirrels come over and scatter the snow while the take seed from the feeder.  I bought an expensive bag of shelled corn for the squirrels and put it in a feeder on the edge of my fence.  They have not yet discovered it in 24 hours. The birds were at it right away but they will never be able to eat whole kernels of corn.  There must be small millet mixed in with it.   I thought squirrels were like the birds and could smell the seed but maybe they can not.  I can't find ear corn in the store to buy for their feeders. One guy discovered a fresh cake of suet and thought he would enjoy some of that.

A spot of red to share this morning of my plastic flower.  The milk crockery that sat next to the door with these flowers and yew branches came crashing down off of the table.  We were having 50 mph winds one evening and it caused a huge loud sound.  I am very glad it did not break but I am not putting it back up on the table just in case it starts to blow that hard again.

A final shot that I am sharing is the packed  box of ornaments from my small tree.  I took it down yesterday and thought I would mess with my new camera again.  The macro does work well but it takes a little bit of time to get it set.  This set of decorations fit the one tree that I have perfectly but the other tree will have to become bigger next year. The ornaments to tree size are just right.  The antique looking ornaments were bought early in my years not realizing that I would isolate them on one tree.  I guess my taste for old things and after Christmas sales made me pick them up.  Now I am so glad that I did.  I didn't see any real glass blown ornaments for sale this year that were impressive.  A few shiny brites at Menards early on in the season but otherwise nothing that would go on this tree.  All glass blown ones are upstairs this year rather than being banished in the basement.

It seems to be another day of blah around here.  We may have to go get some must needed supplies but will wait until 3 in the afternoon.  It is supposed to be in the upper 20's F. then and we can trek to a nearby grocery store.  I was out yesterday to take a couple of shots but it was too cold.  I hope everyone is staying safe and war no matter what part of the country you are in today.  Thanks for checking up on the old picture taker today.


  1. Hello there! I was cruisin through your blog and had to comment on how lovely the box of Christmas tree ornaments is. I remember how common those were when I was a kid....sadly the ones my parents had have slowly broken over the years until now there are none.

  2. LOL great photo of the Squirrel looking in on you.
    We get the ground up corn for the birds and the Squirrels try to eat it all as fast as they can but I think the birds get their share. We put black oil sunflower seeds in the feeder and some on the ground for the greedy Squirrels.
    We are to get snow and freezing rain on Monday.

  3. The squirrels are bums, we feed them and the Blue jays at the edge of the woods. Whole corn and cracked corn. Warmer here today and the sun is out for two whole days in a row!! Stay warm:)

  4. Do you not have to protect the older glass ornaments from breaking against each other. That box full looks like a horrible accident waiting to happen......and what a shame that would be !
