Saturday, January 3, 2015

Saturday's Sharing..........

It is getting to be time to take these down.  My new fenced area next to the blue gate had some lights on them this Christmas.  I would like to leave them up though so that they can be seen with snow on them.  The lights being removed from the fence are not top on my list of things to do.

Milk can, mower and antique gas can all in a jumble.  The old can has liquid in it which I am assuming that it is gasoline.  I haven't opened it up yet after bringing it from the farm to see what its contents really could be.

Big and small are in competition.  I never would have dreamed to be able to get a shot like this.  The hairy woodpecker is on the left and the downy wood pecker is on the right.  I have seen three downy woodpeckers on the feeder at one time so  I  don't actually know how many really are out there. More females show up than males at this time.  There is a pair of hairy woodpeckers as the male has a large red top notch and the female seems to have less red.   I bought some black oil sunflower seeds yesterday and I will put out small portions each day to draw in the cardinals, nuthatches and chickadees.

The trees will start to come down soon.  The in the photo is a singing dog as he woofs out "jingle bells" when you press his paw.

Winter is here but the snow is missing us.  We have extreme cold and winds headed our way very soon.  They get the wind predictions right but the snow predictions seem wrong most of the time.

We were out for a short while yesterday to stock up on a few things.  We didn't have to go but it was a need to just get out of the house.  I think we are in for today though and will wait to see what happens to our weather.  Our furnace hums a long like it is suppose to and has not had a pilot light go out for a couple of weeks now.  I think that is the last of the trouble shooting on that for a while.  I did find an old bearing and bracket in the basement that looks like the piece that started all my furnace problems.  I will share it some time in the future. 

I wish all of you a good day today and hope the weather is not a threat to you.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Great picture of the two woodpeckers!

  2. Great shot of the Hairy and the Downy! When in doubt just call them woodpeckers! I hope it wasn't me that stepped on your toes with bird ids.
    We are sending cold weather your way the wind is straight out of the north and really cold:(

  3. I worry about thinking that I know the facts when I am wrong. I am harder on myself when I blab out some facts which end up being wrong.
