Sunday, January 4, 2015


We had been very cold a month ago but the iris must have had snow covering it.  I noticed last week that a lot of my iris new starts are doing very well.  I can see the sprouts from the rhizomes looking very good.

A piece of clay tile can still be seen around on the farms but it is not being used anymore.  Plastic is the new drainage pipe and the laying of these end to end underground is in the past.  Farm fields were drained with these as well as sewer drains. This one is going to get a plant put into it this spring.

The only real antique on this tree is the green acorn one.  I get jealous when I see bowls full of these in magazine articles featuring antique ornaments.  This one was from my wife's family.  Other ornaments you see on this tree are all replicas of the original German designs.  You can see a white replica of the acorn at the bottom of the photo.  The shape has become very popular again as you can buy them in various colors and sizes now brand new of course.

The two small trees will probably be the first to go.  The one on the dining room table is a problem sitting there now as we have to look around it to watch and photograph the birds.

I hope all of you are well today.  We have very cold winds today with a little snow.  We will probably still head out for church as we have a Sunday school job to do.  Everyone have a good day and thanks for stopping by.


  1. Good Sunday morning to you and all of your house whole. I have enjoyed all of your Christmas blogs this year.
    It is to get colder as our day goes on and by night it will be freezing the yards are a mess and very wet in this upper middle state of Arkansas.
    Happy New Year

  2. I keep an eye out for the antique pine cones too...none yet that i can afford:)

  3. Still enjoying your photos ! I especially like that old ornament.
    We're expecting really cold air (for Tennessee) mid-week, but what I want is a beautiful, blown-into-every-crevice snow......that melts after 2 days or so !

    Thanks for stopping by and deciding to 'follow' my blog. I don't post as regularly as I used to, but I surely enjoy the posts of the blogs I follow, yours included !

  4. So enjoy your ornaments.
    The clay pipe is a great idea for a planter.
