Tuesday, January 27, 2015

The Things of Tuesday........

Sunday morning I was able to capture a couple shots of two cardinals that were at the feeders.  I had not seen them for a while even though the female had been hanging around. You can see he is cracking his seed open right there on the table rather than flying off to a tree branch.

I was shooting random shots last night just to see what I could accomplish with the camera.  The lighting on the glass items isn't as good as daylight from the window would have been.  The old ink bottle was found out in a burn area with a lot of leftover cans and bottles.  The glass insulator came from southern Iowa probably 40 years ago on our farm. 

The glass lidded piece was one of the items I found in an auction box along with the ivory billiard ball.  That took place when I was still in high school at a farm south of Osceola. The glass is frosted and I figure it was a powder container or a candy dish.

Getting around to do things takes times but I finally did get it done.  A neighbor girl from out on the farm sent me this photo a picture her late mother had taken of me and my dad. The year is 1954 and I bet I blog about the shot later on this year.  The neighbor girl is in her upper 70's now and I am not so far behind her in age.  It is a shock to see a photo that I didn't remember was ever taken.  I have revisited an album of my mom's that I now need to scan most of the pictures in it.  The shots start out being from the days before my parents married and there is even a shot of my mom holding her box camera.  I think her brother and she had each a camera of the same kind.  All will be shared later on this blog and other ones that I create.

As a Christmas present from my wife I received a coffee mug.  When I opened it I thought someone was stealing my artwork and producing products with my image.  They sort of did do that but only one was created and my wife ordered it.  The"Brave New Journey" was the first painting I did right after I quit teaching the first time.  I painted about a dozen paintings and then life became too interesting demanding and complicated for me to ever paint again. 

I post this because I am going to try to retire again.  It is time to leave that experience behind me.  I turned down a second long term job earlier and now I am going to reduce the time I am there.  I told them that I might do some of the half days for them because they are hard to fill but by the end of March I will probably be gone. They were so good to me when I really needed to work but I know they are in good hands with a lot of younger subs now working.  They didn't have more than 3 or 4 people to do the work when I first started.

No work today and half days Wednesday and Friday.  Today is a good day to rest.  I still have small jobs everywhere that need attention but I will get around to them when I feel like it.  Thanks for stopping by today. I hope everyone is safe and warm where ever you are living.


  1. When you scan your family photo's
    is it just on your personal photo's or do you have a blog for them?
    I have so many old pictures of my mother and dads family. Would like to do something with them.

  2. Isn't it fun to get an old photo you had forgotten about!! Congratulations on the decision to retire again! I am certain you will find plenty to do. That is a beautiful Mug that Della had made for you! :)
