Wednesday, January 28, 2015


I shared a glass plane a few weeks ago and here is the train that I also have in my glass candy toy collection.  Found in the attic where many thieves had been before.  I assume they were the ones who stepped on it and did damage to the back of it.

I guess I will share only antiques today.  The brown mug is from the early 1900's era when dishes with many basic colors of glaze were applied.  The mug itself is a strong clay piece and they then immerse it into glaze completely and then fire it. This is not a piece from fiestaware but it is at the same time frame as when the fiesta was brought onto the market.

The famous bay window of my grandparents in Murray, Iowa.  Our family has started a family facebook site and everyone is sharing photos.  It is fun to see how many photos were taken in front of this side of the house.  My dad is saluting as he is off to war.  He had served a year or more in Washington, D.C. and now is being sent to Belgium by boat to enter the Battle of the Bulge.  I am estimating in my mind that it was 1944 but I have nothing to refer to at this time to verify it.  I guess I have letters sent home from overseas that I could dig through to find out.

Everyone in the family remembers all the plants that my grandmother had it that eastern bay window.  Cactus also sat there.  It is a lot like my dining room window where cactus also sit among the flowers.

An unknown manufacturer of this plate makes it to be a mystery to me.  I had a set of dishes in the Minnesota cabin that we bought back in 1974.  I know that it is a replica in style of the blue willow but I have never seen anything about it in antique books or on the net.  I have a few plates and a serving dish. It is just a mystery set of dishes that maybe someday I will discover what it is.

My final photo for the day is an archived photo of the oat sprouter that I own.  I talked about it earlier but never offered up a full view of it.

I am working half day today as an associate.  I will follow into class rooms to watch and help any that need help from this special room.  It is the middle of the week and we may take a journey some time this afternoon.  I hope all are well and thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Many nice antiques there Larry, I have a few of those little brown cups also.
    Hope you are having a good day at school, where did the journey take you ?

  2. The journey ended up being 2 years of cleaning out my parents house, remodeling two bathrooms in it and then going through the hassle of trying to sell it in a bad market. I stopped going to school and started doing other things. I was an ok journey but I want to start it again and try a better way.

  3. I think those dishes are called Redware and there were lots of different patterns. OI like the looks of them:)
