Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Tuesday's Twitting........

My tropic zone next to the dining room table shows the flowers like the area.  The very dry air from the furnace has helped cause the violets to bloom.  The water birds are still entertainment for me with their shape and their ability to remind me that somewhere out there it is warmer. Birds somewhere  are scouring the shores of a lake or ocean finding food to eat.

The decorations are still being removed in different parts of the house and it seems a little bare in color and lights. The mantle figurines are not the expensive ones but lesser priced ones with the same glaze colors as the expensive pieces.

 A scene in my garden area that looks like the gardener just walked away in the fall and didn't put a thing away for winter.  The ladder is an oldie and it still leans in the tree and the roll of wire is waiting to be put away or thrown away.  My one son said that I could let this old wheel barrow go now.  He is right but I will have to be in the right mood to send it on its way.  Now that I have a new one this would only be there for decoration. It is too heavy to use as my dad did make it for a petunia planter.

I like this photo as you can see the eye of the squirrel is still watching to the back area of him.  The squirrels do not seem to be frightened of me as I walked up to about three feet from one and he didn't bother to run away.  I had to yell and wave my arms.  I do know some say they are near sighted but they do see fast moving dogs coming at them and react accordingly.

Working around the toy cabinet yesterday I noticed it is time to do some spring cleaning inside it and some organization is needed.  I found tow firetrucks which show two different fates.  The one in front is probably a little older than the shiny one but the beat up one was found out in the dirt where it had been left for quite a few years.

 We went to see a movie yesterday at the Jordan Creek Mall.  We watched "Into the Woods"  We were attracted to it as we wanted to see how some of the actors portrayed their characters.  We both were clueless as to what it really was all about but we do creative exploring once in a while.  It proved to be a great experience. 

The history of the writing had its beginning in the Old Globe Theater.  It eventually made it into a broadway musical in New York,  The whole movie is based on four different fairy tails and most dialogue is sung.  The story, the song writing, and the music is all over the edge with creativity.  It is funny, fun, and mysterious. Disney always goes to the extreme to make the special effects and sets to be great.  The endings of things many times are hard for writers and this one too sort of stumbled to the end.  It concluded but I  was wishing for something else.  I still liked it a lot and someday will buy the dvd of it. Not everyone will like this style of presentation so research it and don't take my word on it.


  1. Very interesting - our lives are all so different as the items in our homes will attest.

  2. Good for you getting out to a movie! We made it to the clinic today and the Drug store...getting older sucks. Stay warm and healthy! :)

  3. Hello, Your flowers on the window are so pretty. When I see the figures above your fireplace, I think of Blue the cat pushing each one crashing to the floor! Want to let you and your wife know that Ella's baby brother arrived a few hours ago in Calif. Cole weighs 7 lbs and he and mom are fine.

  4. Very interesting. Your sof I just gave it away to good will.

    It had had its days. Was in good shape no rips or holes. Seeing six Grandchildren jumped on i and so forth. I was surprised. Thirty years old. I enjoyed your tour of pictures.

    Just a wee bit of help for those who can fix springs our old sofa. I had two pillows under it for firmest.

    Now we have another sofa which has the two sides for us to put up our legs to watch t.v. Will be our last. You can even push your back and it lets you be comfy sleep or really relax. We have winter so not able to go out that much. I live in Canada. Brrrrrrrrr
