Wednesday, January 14, 2015

The Middle of the Week......

I came across this toy engine while digging around in the toy cabinet.  I hand dusted some of it but I take good photos of dust also that I didn't get removed.  The train is a toy replica of the British train that was in the first  of the three "Narnia" movies. I bought it at the Kansas City train station when they were displaying a collection of "Narnia" exhibits from the movie.  The very first movie shows the aerial view of the actual train with this engine traveling through the English countryside. It had steam coming out of its stack and pulled passenger cars of the same era. The time period of the movie is during WW 2.

This is a glass replica of a plane from the same era.  It held small beads of candy and I think they were sold in stores like Sears.  I am not certain of it.  My mom kept it in a trunk for years and I suspect some of the four boys in the household did mess with it as parts are broken off of it.

You can make out the cockpit area and the wings have the American star symbol on the end of the wings. It is hard to see them. I need to research these to see what they originally looked like.  I have four other glass items like this that held candy and were sold at the same time.

I really don't know how the squirrel could get this off of the feeder.  I do know that one year I found one on the roof of my house.  I suspect a raccoon could of done this but I would think it too cold for them to get out of their den. I have this and one other feeder to get picked up today. A squirrel took down  a bird feeder and it too is on the ground.

I can always get a good shot of the downy woodpeckers. Back view isn't the best but they do seem to not scare away quickly like a chickadee or a nuthatch.  The birds seem less hungry as we are warming up a little.  Our low temp was in the double digits.  I think 12 degree F. was our low.  We will be close to freezing today and then tomorrow we might have a thaw.

I have small projects to get done today and will enjoy not being at school.  I hope those of you who are covered in snow are getting a chance to warm up also.  The southern states should be warming up for them for sure.  Have a good day and take care.  Thanks for swinging by today.


  1. That glass plane is very interesting. I haven't seen anything like it before.

  2. Yep, we're coming back up out of our unusual freeze. That sunshine surely feels and looks good today !

  3. Love that locomotive! British trains of that era are so elegant.

  4. That glass plane looks very interesting I hope you find out more about it! :)
