Friday, February 13, 2015

Final Day of the Week.......

It was late morning before the birds started to come to the feeders.  The juncos were the first and their friends the sparrows showed up once the feeders became busy.  We keep having changing temperatures at both extremes.  I think the melting that we did have  helped the snow to come off of the trees and bushes letting the birds to naturally feed again.

Late afternoon birds were final feeding for the day.  This junco seemed to be right at home and ignored all the different birds that were flying in and out. On bluejay kept dive bombing in and grabbing a seed, then taking off immediately. 

The birds didn't seem so anxious to eat so I think they have been feeding naturally and were also at other feeders in town.

Late afternoon when the light was getting to be too low for taking pictures the cardinals came it for their last of the day snack.  Low light really makes it difficult for the camera to operate well and I took just as many blurry shots and I did clear shots.  My clear shots at the time of the day are borderline clear but good enough to share.

I scanned some antique valentines of my mom's to share today.  I can't really date them closely as I think some of them are from her early high school years.  A few were from students that she taught in country school. The dates could vary from the late 1920's to the early 1930's.  The one above looks like one that would have been given to a teacher.

Most of them look like they were made by two differnt companies but there isn't a company name printed on them.  I liked this airplane flying over the countryside below with clouds in the sky.

This other brand of cards that are in the pile were all cut into heart shapes like this one.  The boy is in his traditional sailor suit and the girl has her gathered collar. Most of the valentines came from students or girl friends. I don't think the boys would dare to give out a card without giving out the wrong signals. I remember we were still giving out valentines though as a tradition for a class party in elementary grades.  I think fifth grade was the stopping point though.  Everybody got a card from each student if they could afford it. 

It is a sunny day today and a little warmer.  We are going out for a meal today late afternoon as Saturday is predicted to not to be a good day to get out.  Strong winds with very cold windchills are suppose to be all day Saturday. 

I wish you all well today regardless of where you live.  The are different weather patterns everywhere and some are cold and some are hot.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. You and Della have a sweet and Happy Valentine's Day.

  2. I enjoyed these old Valentine Cards too. I wish I had saved some of mine! Stay warm as we are sending some cold weather your way. We are staying home too. No sense in freezing to death if you can help it! :)
