Saturday, February 14, 2015

Saturday's Spot.......

An 80 year old Valentine that belonged to my mother.  She had a stach of 30 or more of them and each one different.  Some had the honeycomb decorations on them that could be spread open but 80 year old tissue paper doesn't work anymore.  You can check many more Valentines that I share on my Sepia Saturday site by clicking HERE.

Sharing on this day is nice.  The little sparrow must have just shaken his head as he looks blurry and ruffled at the same time. We have very cold Arctic air moving in this morning so the birds are sensing a change in the weather.  The starlings, juncos and sparrows are hitting the feeder hard.  The cardinals are somewhat bashful so they seem to be yielding most of the time to all the other birds.

We still have a lot of snow on the ground as  you can see. This is a photo from yesterday as we are having bright sunshine right now.

The chickadee is doing different antics for me today.  Normally they grab a seed and fly away into a tree to open it.  Today she is staying and breaking her seed on the side of the feeder.  I guess when the feeder isn't busy the bird feels safe enough to stay on site.

Here you can see the bird banging on the side of feeder its choice of seed.  I really like these birds and the fly like dive bombers as the zoom through the back yard.  The swoop and twist in air as they fly like a porpoise does in the water.

My last shot for the day is this squirrel who is actually standing on his hind legs eating a peanut.  Since he is on the other side of the feeder it looked like he was bobbing up and down.  Our three guys certainly challenge my seed supply.  Two squirrels can clean an ear of corn in less than three hours, I suppose taking the corn back to their nest for storage.

I trust everyone will have a good day today.  Some of my blog friends in the South are going to be cold today.  Not very cold compared to us but it will be very cold for them. Cold is painful so I hope everyone stays inside.  I will venture up to get the mail and I have to go feed the neighbors dog as she is with a very ill son at a hospital.  It makes it less of a happy day for us knowing what she is going through today. Everyone do take care now and thank you for you loyal readership of this blog.


  1. This could make you laugh! after what (you-all) have been through.
    We could get 2 to 4 inches of snow with subzero wind chill Sunday through Monday. Today it is around 53 and neighbors working in the yard, but will drop to 16 tonight. If we get 2 it will paralysis the town.
    Eat something sweet today!

  2. Cold here too! I enjoyed all the valentines...they really knew how to make them back in the day:)

  3. Neat Valentine, Larry. The bird feeder antics are always fun to watch....

  4. Love those old valentines! It warmed up to 20 here today.
