Friday, February 20, 2015

Friday a Sliding in to Finish..........

The snowman cookie jar has been officially put away for another season.  My wife got this for me a couple of years ago.  I like keeping gummi bears in it. Every time I life the lid it plays a Christmas song.  It is great to hear it unless you trying not to get caught while sneaking extra sugar treats.

An archived photos of what I have plans to do very soon.  I have some seed left over so I can get started on Saturday.  I do have to make a trek out to the garden shed and that will be miserable but I will get there.  I will buy more seed whenever I get to a store.

Our Decorah eagles are back on live streaming again.  They laid an egg and the whole country cheered.  Their success in raising chicks hasn't been great.  They only succeeded getting one chick raised last year. Check them out by clicking here DECORAH EAGLES and bookmark it to keep an eye on the progress. One egg down and maybe another to go.

I am looking forward to see these blooming this year.  I was able to see the plant grow very large so it should bloom this year.

It is serious work for Barney keeping the squirrels out of the backyard.  All cats need to be reminded to move on and get off of the surrounding area of the property.  He is always alert to see who is out walking their dog.  It is a hard job for one border collie but his partner the poodle comes out and barks with him if any warning sounds need to be made.

It is Friday and we are going to warm up to 30 degrees F.  It won't melt but it will require a lot less heat for the house. I am finishing off my last day with the 6th grade science and math classes.  It has been exhausting but I did make it to the very end.  At least I have made it through 2nd hour today.  I guess I can't speak for the rest of the day yet.

 I am experiencing some hand trouble in my left hand as two fingers don't really want to help me type.  I think I will be reducing the length of my blogs for a while.  I think it will go away as I have had it before in the right hand's fingers.  It actually started up when I shoveled snow a couple of weeks ago.  I use to do hammering of nails and it would effect the hand badly and sometime the whole arm.  Right now the fingers are not bending smoothly but clicking into position like a robot.  Anyway,  if I am able I will stay here but expect lesser stuff and lesser babbling from me.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Sure do hope your hand gets better fast.
    Thanks for reminding us about the Eagles, we really like watching them.

  2. Good to see a photo of Barney! He looks like he is giving you the evil eye! It is Friday! It is warmer here too...finally for one day then back to the deep freeze. Stay warm :)
