Thursday, February 19, 2015

Thursday.....with Sixth Graders.

It is green inside which means the furnace is working.  It isn't green out side as the temps are very low again today.

Outside it looks like this.  The view is about the same as it has been most of the winter except the snow isn't hanging on the branches of things.

This is our view last evening looking out an upstairs window.  There was a great cloud formation around the sun but I was too late to capture it. We were -5 F. this morning and our high today will be 13 F.  That will seem warm with no wind blowing.  I could see when I was out in the air this morning how it could freeze skin in less than 15 minutes.  It is the deep hurting kind of cold.

Thanks for stopping by today. I have been held hostage with 6th graders for the second day of this week.  I will survive as I am older and smarter.  Smarter than a  6th grader except in proportions, when I need a refresher course to know how to fill in all those little boxes.  I did learn how again yesterday and I will be making sure everyone knows how today.   See you tomorrow.


  1. I can feel the cold coming from these photos! You must be longing for spring now.

  2. The cold dipped down to us last night it was 11 now that is cold for us.

  3. We had a high of 9 today -- bitter. Our schools are all closed as the road crews aren't used to dealing with this kind of weather.

  4. -21 this morning balmy here. I was out to fill feeders and play ball with Chance. Looking forward to Friday it is supposed to be into the 20's above and we will go for a long ride. Those 6th graders can be fun! :)

  5. "Deep hurting kind of cold" Interesting description & exactly right. I've had enough!....:(
