Saturday, February 28, 2015

Sliding into Saturday.......All Day.

I planted tiny little tomato seeds yesterday, February 27th.  I should have planted sooner but I planted much later last year.  It is hard to buy seed like this in certain places as they don't want to give you information about them.  They did describe the "100's" tomatoes but they still don't tell you the size of the fruit.  The "beefsteak" tomato is obvious to those who garden but you would think they still would tell you the size of the fruit.  I picked up the "homestead" variety and the "endless summer" thinking they may be the exact same kind.  We will see how it all turns out. 

I am going to try harder to keep track of the varieties as I drew out a map.  Of course one 6 cell area has been double planted because I am old and confused. The double ones will probably all grow, even if they are crowded. I can separate them out later.
I don't intend to plant these all for myself.  I will be sharing plants with neighbors again this year. The two neighbors plant so darn early that I needed to plant a lot early so they could have somewhat of a decent size to put into the ground.

I was desperate to find photos to take so I hit up my wife's small glass display case.  Only small short things can go into the cabinet.  It is nice to have as the really small items end up on a big shelf and can't really be seen.

I shared another shot like this on my Photo a Day blog.  It explains the penguin and also a couple of the ceramic dogs, which you can see in the larger photo above of the display.

This is my wife's display of angels after Christmas.  A lot of her larger collection goes into boxes and are brought out before Christmas.  These which are smaller in number are a little more manageable through out the year to keep on the buffet.

My wife has this coughing crud that is going around.  It is so hard for her to get sleep to help her body to feel better.  I know she is now on the turn around time but it may be a few more days before it will go away.  We have not gone outside to expose her to this very cold air. I keep encouraging her to sleep whenever she feels that she can as rest is the only thing that really helps to overcome it.

We were in the negative temperatures again last night.  The weather people seem to be at a loss for what really is happening.  I guess they need to go back to the one to two day forecast and leave the long term stuff alone.  We may have a snow this evening but it may be less than an inch.  That is nlike the forecasted 4 inches that was schedule for noon today.  Rain and snow is predicted on Wednesday but that probably won't be happening.  It will be a bust of nothing or a major snow storm, with the way their success rate has been going.  We are sunny today which is good.  It doesn't help to warm it up much but when you look out it seems better.  Everyone enjoy this day and thanks for stopping by today.


  1. First I've seen of planting seeds for spring! It'll get here eventually.

  2. Looks like you are ready for spring to come, Larry, with your tomato seeds already started. We don't really miss our gardening days, but do appreciate when others have fresh vegetables for sale or as giveaways :-) Hope your wife is feeling better soon.

  3. I hope Della rests and gets all better that crud is no fun. The 100's are small cherry tomatoes...and beefsteaks are really large slicers one slice covers a hamburger patty:) You have a good start on them:)
