Sunday, March 1, 2015


Having the squirrels eating up some of the birds food, every single day, I am reevaluating the feeders.  I think I want to get one that hangs and has a wire cage around it.  I would like to have a feeder that is always there for the birds when the trays have been cleared.  Here the squirrel is eating out of the old feeder, in which I want him to eat and staying away from my trays.

Her face is in the shadow but she did look around watching what the guy was doing in the window with the camera.

I think the territories are already established as there is only one male and one female now eating at the feeder. I really like the territorial song that they sing.  There are a lot of cardinals near our church in Des Moines.  Last Sunday while walking from the north parking lot in the extremely cold wind chill temperatures, a male cardinal was singing away just like it was really spring. Unfortunately I was freezing off my face and wishing that I could have parked closer.

My wife is staying home from church today as she is still fighting the coughing crud.  I am going to run in and do the Sunday school teaching this morning for both of our classes, large group work, and then come home. We are 22 degrees F. right now and the snow really didn't happen.   I hope everyone is staying warm and 19 more days until spring.  Take care and thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Yesterday The Bennie had low grade fever and dosed most of the day. He is better today and now I am sneezing and blowing.

    We have had some new birds come to eat now that I put out apples. Mockingbird and two Brown Thrasher a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker.

    Hope wife gets better soon and you don't get it.

  2. How beautiful those Cardinals are...such sweet little birds.
    We can't keep the squirrels out of the feeders, and they will eat everything in sight, even the house ...ugh.
    Hope your wife gets over her sickness soon, there are many colds going around.
