Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Smart Potatoes........

The sack of potatoes were on a great sale.  Potatoes can be a good cheap food when you wait around for their super sales.  The problems with this sack is the label has me worried.  I don't know if these guys have gone to school and have an education or if I can ask them questions like a cell phone and they will answer me while I am peeling them. I think I would rather eat a dumb potato but maybe it is the dumb ones that never make it into the sack.

The store buys the potatoes in bulk and then resacks them for sale.  I know because my son worked there in his youth and that was his job to sack a bag of good potatoes to the nearest weight required.  He also got to throw away the rotten ones or damaged ones as he sacked them.  I think they wash them better now so he would not get very dirty now if he did the job today.

While being in the science room yesterday I took shots of the fish and this poster.  The coffin is a wonderfully decorated one layer of King Tut's, the boy king, coffin.  Did you all know that the guy who owned the Downton Abby mansion in England was the one who discovered King Tut's tomb?  The grandson who lives there now was looking through a hidden compartment in the doorway of the library and ran across more artifacts, not cataloged. I never got to go see the Tut traveling exhibit years ago when it toured the states but there are bits and pieces of the finds scattered in museums.  Kansas City's museum has a pair of ear rings on display that Tut wore during his reign.

The aquarium is a great place to see when the winter gets to be so long.  I think when I kept up a large aquarium that I bought more fish during the winter than any other time.

I was begged to come in and monitor a high school math room today.  I refused the job on the phone when the machine called me at 5:45 in the morning but I got called personally to see if I would change my mind.  They have been so good to give me work when I really need it so I said that I would.  We are snowing right now and I suspect it will be a short day today.  We are predicted to get snow an inch per hour up to 6 inches.  Then in two days 4 more inches and then two days later 4 more.  I didn't want to or refuse to do the math at this point to see what the total snow will be.  They are inconsistent in their predictions anyway.  Severe cold moves in again by tomorrow. Yes it does total to 14 inches!!!

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I didn't know that about King Tut's tomb, interesting. I can't miss a show about Downton Abby.
    That is funny (Smart potatoes)gee! I don't think we have smart ones.
    I like the man sitting must be a old piece.
    Poor guys the weather has not been nice to you at all. I saw it is snowing on the eagle this morning.

  2. Lucky you more snow! We may have three inches at the snow stick now, I am going out soon to take some photos of our winter. Those gals at the school know you cannot refuse them:)

  3. I've heard of smart phones but never smart potatoes. The must be GMO's. Isn't science wonderful?

  4. Hope your school day is short and you can return home for warmth/safety. We have snow today also and power, thankfully! I enjoyed your photos today. I bought a bag of dumb potatoes (lol) and made potato soup last night!
