Tuesday, February 24, 2015

In the Shed.......

I snapped a few shots while I was out in the garden shed to bring in some flats to use for planting tomato seeds.  The small box full of plastics  is a gift from a couple of neighbor ladies.  They received from me tomato plants and I think they wanted to have some more given to them this spring.  It seems they are giving me larger pots to transfer my growing starts.  The junky area that it is sitting has some interesting patterns of a variety of things one can find in my shed.

The path to my shed looks like this.  The heavy snow made it difficult to bring the garbage bin to the curb.  I drug it and it made it look like I had shoveled the walking area.  It really is frozen solid and it is a very crusty service.  We are suppose to get 3 or more inches of new snow on top of this.

Other things in the shed on a shelf in front of the other window shows some strange collection.  The tv remote will be thrown away.  i don't know why it is in the shed.

My grandma's iron was used to hold a doorway open as the old houses were so crooked that the door would swing shut if it wasn't propped open.  The metal frog is one of my mom's she had in her collection of things.  It is used to put at the bottom of a vase so the flowers could stick into the holes to help in arranging flowers.  The glass jar is old full of saw blades and nails  while the old grease gun is hiding behind the iron.  If it ever warms up I will go out and high grade the things and throw more things away.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Looks like you are getting ready to plant those tomato seeds! Wouldn't a fresh vine ripened tomato taste great about now? Hope you stay warm, we are warmer but the wind is wicked:(
