Sunday, February 22, 2015

Sunday Stuff.........

Starlings are still hitting the suet as often as possible. Cold or warm weather they seem to eat at all times.

Bite down hard, break the shell, shift the seed inside and swallow, and then let the shell fall out of your mouth.

He then looks for another sunflower seed to start the process all over again.  He stayed at the feeder for a long time. 

We are experiencing a big drop in our temperatures again. It isn't much fun.

Thanks for stopping by today. Stay safe and stay warm.......


  1. Sorry...we are cold too real cold. Windchills to-45...stay warm! Your Cardinals sure are pretty:)

  2. The rain didn't wash away our ice, but the sun is shining today and not as cold.

  3. Four cardinals here today. A record and very hungry....;)
