Monday, February 23, 2015

Another Cold Day.....

The furry animals in our household do not like -7 degrres F.  weather.   This bear looked up at me as I was walking by so I snapped his photo.

The other blue bottle shot that I took last week looks like this.  The color looks so good in our kitchen when the outside is so bleak.

My wife's angel collection has more than just ceramic pieces.  This is of the series that is for sale in which the delicate wings are made out of wire. This color of wire works good but some of the brown rusty looking wire is not suited for depicting wings.  I have two more to share of these but will wait for another day.

Our grandson AJ turns 2 today but I don't have any new pictures.  He did sing happy birthday to us over the phone on Saturday.  I don't think he comprehends what any of it means but he sure can rattle on about it.

We warm up to 30 F today and it will just continue to be cold.  There are some warm up days so that we can get some snow.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. What a sweet angel, and Teddy does have a sad look on his little face. We are cold but I think the big Texas snow is going to miss us.

  2. I love bears, yours is so sweet !
    My dearest MIL loved blue bottles, and displayed them in her window. When the light shone through them, they looked magical.
    She also collected Angels, lots of them, she was a spirit-filled southern lady, her angels were a testament of her faith.
    Stay warm dear friend, it's still cold everywhere.

  3. Happy Birthday to your AJ! My goodness two already!! :)
