Friday, February 6, 2015

Friday's Findings..........

The same bench to the left here is now sitting under all of the snow as seen in the above photo.  I wasn't complaining when I shared the photo of no snow but I knew that it  would not last. I didn't take the bench photo in the same way from the end as I didn't have boots on to wade through the drifts to get the same angle. Old slip-on shoes let the snow get in on your socks and up your pant legs.

While sharing the feeder the one bird looks away to check on any danger from invaders.  The birds are really hungry and do keep coming back for more. The bluejays still travel in a group, flock, as they apparently go from feeder to feeder in town. 

 I have a lot of ground feeding by the cardinals, sparrows and juncos.  I had two doves show up but they didn't bother to feed as it seemed too crowded for them.  As long as we stay so covered with snow, the birds will keep hanging around.

The cardinals like to hang out in my Chinese elm tree near by and then feed early evening one more time right before dark.  I can't get a shot of them but they like to sit out there on the tray feeder having no competition from any other birds.

I shared a similar shot on the Photo a Day blog with the pine tree covered with ornaments in the foreground. The ice cycles are from the early first snow that was so wet.  It melted a little but the warmth of the house encouraged more melting.  It is now so cold that no melting has gone of for days.  We are headed for a warm day tomorrow, meaning above freezing, and that will be good.  I took these shots as I was taking a break from shoveling snow.

The road crew person is right handed so he always puts the snow on my side of the street. I will never complain to the city but it is so strange that my side has this 3 foot pile and the next door neighbor across the street has about 8 inches.

It is hard to show how much I had to shovel but it took quite a few shovel fulls to get down to the bottom.  My neighbor was so kind to clear the sidewalk so I though I should connect the sidewalk to the street so one could  cross to the other side. The blue house looks like my house in shape and size but it is the neighbor's across the street. It is a reverse duplicate of my house made by the same bunch of carpenters back in 1903.

It is Friday and it seems to be a good day.  I am up and at them now and will take it easy most of the day.  I rescued an amaryllis from the basement this morning and gave the bulb a good drink of water.  I won't know for a week if it has any life in it or not.  I trust everyone is surviving the diverse kinds of weather that we are having.  Everyone stay safe and warm. Thanks for coming by today.


  1. Beautiful photos of the Blue Jays.

    Goodness.. that is way too much snow!

  2. Your house is so pretty! I see the Christmas Ornaments are still up outside!! You have enough snow for both of us:)

  3. Nice house you have! Looks like you also have nearly as much snow as we do!
