Saturday, February 7, 2015

Checking Things Out......

It was a warmer day yesterday and I didn't get out to refill the feeders.  They had scrap seed laying around so it gave them a harder time to find things to eat.  This morning I was distracted and left one of the plastic cups out on top of the feeder while I was filled up other locations.  I looked out and it sat on the top tray and the birds were scared of it.  I could see them casing the joint but they were not going to land on the feeder. I made another trip out to remove it and the juncos are there already to find new seed to eat.

Our warmer temperatures today will make a big dent into melting this snow.  It warmed enough yesterday that the deck wood of the steps soaked in warmth.  All the packed snow on the steps went away and now for the rest of the back yard to do the same.

The spirea will survive what has happened to them as the snow has flattened them down.  Sometimes a branch will break off from the weight but most times it is very flexible.   The snow angel in the foreground should be cleared off today with all the warmth.  Of course warmth means it will be in the high 30 degrees F. I can see snow dropping from trees as i  write this.

I brought in the stoneware platters this morning as I don't think I will need them anymore to feed the birds.  It did work well for feeding birds as they were strong and heavy and the birds cold land on the lip of them. Laying them on top of the snow drifts on the table and feeder tray made the job a lot easier than standing out there trying to clear the snow.

This scene will be less wintery this even after a day of melting. The balsam has grown taller the last couple of years.  It is only about 15 years old and grows near a silver maple.  That has kept it from getting a lot of light and probably moisture too.  The branches above it are dying away so it will start to get a lot bigger in full sunlight. When it gets too big I will have to get a taller step ladder to put on its plastic Christmas balls.

This pair is busy picking up seed from the feeder above.  We still have three males hanging around and only two females.  I know things will be evening out by spring and another female will be around or one of the males will leave the territory. One of the male cardinals is a youngster from one of the batches hatched last summer as he is a lot smaller than the mature males.

I am grateful that you check in on my post each day.  I hope that all, including family members, are able to see a day in our lives here in Woodward, Iowa.  I do think we may need to leave town today to find more and better excitement than just hanging around here.  Take care and thanks again........see you tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely pictures of the Cardinal and the Blue Jay in the first two pictures.
