Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Tuesday's Things......

There sort of has a beauty to it of the failing greens of the zinnia patch.  I just didn't get things cleared away this year and I am sure that bothers someone in my neighborhood.  It would be nice to have it all cleared and maybe later in the season I will clean it up while walking around in the snow.  

I shared two other photos of my river birch on my Photo a Day blog.  I never imagined that this  tree would have such great character with its shedding bark.  The branches don't hit me in the face so much as the leaves are gone but in spring I will have to prune back things so I can walk around it.  It acts a lot like a weeping willow as the bottom branches seem to always droop to the ground.

Ace is the place to buy your green wheel barrow.  I warn you though the directions are flawed.  They have you use all the same size of screws to attach the green bin to the wood.  That is wrong as they are three different sizes.

I had a eight year old boy, a friend's son, help me put this together.  He was a big help except when Isaiah would put a bolt or nut in his pocket forgetting that he had done so.  He is a cute guy who wants to say things that his dad would say.  As we tightened the nut to the bolt, he had the wrench and was doing so, he would say that we didn't want to strip the threads on the bolt.  He did make me smile.

I have been looking through old valentines to get ready to post on my Sepia Saturday blog.  I ran into this one in the pile that actually isn't so old but yet it is.  My mom received this one when her granddaughter was 4 or 5 years old.  That girl now is in her late 40's and has four children of her own now.  The oldest is in her second year of college. So old Pinocchio is about is about 44 years old.  The others that I am scanning are over 80 years old.

A final photo for today is a snap of my hardy geranium plant.  It has a bloom sticking through the blinds and I can't photograph it.  The camera either focuses on the background and or the blinds themselves.  It won't pick up in the shot just the flowers. 

I am back in the science room again today.  It will be my last job for the science guy this week as he is coming back for Wednesday.  His wife had to have a plate put into her ankle to fix the one break.  She will being taken home today.

We are having another warm day before we drop down into the deep freeze again. It is winter and we are seeing a lot of changes going on in a regular cycle.  Storm storm is coming by  Sunday or Monday.  Thanks for stopping in today. 


  1. I love this post, Larry. The Valentine card brings back some great childhood memories for me.

  2. That is a great old Valentine card! That poor lady that broke her ankle...I bet her husband will need another day or two to help her out at home. Snowing here today:)

  3. We have a deep freeze coming too -- after a really balmy day on Sunday... hard to appreciate sometimes. . .
