Monday, February 9, 2015

Monday's Mustering Up........

It has been warm enough for the branches to be cleared of snow.  The larger trees still have some snow banks inside the crotch of the trees.

The burning bushes are clear of snow but this yew tree collected a large amount of snow making them have their own snowdrifts.

When the weather gets to be warmer the neighbor's let out some of their house cats to roam.  We name them ourselves when then hang around and I am sure they aren't too confused with two names. 

"Mow Mow" is his name.  You pronounce as if you are saying a hay mow.  He has a very deep unusual voice.  It is a different sound than any cat I have ever heard make a sound.

I found in the store room a wooden church that I bought years ago.  It fits in with the wooded shore birds.

I am short on photos again so I will go out this afternoon and see what is going on outside.  The snow is receding and the mud is everywhere.  So far the dogs haven't brought in too much mud but I am sure it will be happening.

I wasn't going to tell you what I am doing today but a teacher had a family emergency when a wife who fell and broke her leg in two places.  I can't say no to those kind of situations.  I am watching octupus that live around volcanoes on a Youtube with biology students.

Thank you for stopping by today.  

1 comment:

  1. That must have been some fall, poor lady. You are a nice person to help out. I got out and did a little work today in the garden.
