Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Windy Days......

The wind can mess up your feathers but they topnotch seems to pretty compacted.  The cardinals are starting to do their territorial calls, or maybe they are mating calls. I like it when they sing away a tune to share with all who are in the area.

Here today and gone tomorrow.  The roses that are a good deal also have a three day life span.  They are kept cold but when they are picked they aren't put back into water until they hit a store. I see a couple of them are still in good form but the rest are on their way out.

It is a cold day today with the wind picking up for the morning and then it is to stop blowing at noon.  We have had spotty snows and will see more over the weekend.  The blue jars seem warm in color compared to the cold light blue of snow.

I hope that the weather evens out soon but it is February.   We sometimes have major snow storms the first of March.  I can tell that the earth is tipping back now and our days are getting longer.  I need to get tomato seed planted but haven't been to the store to buy any.  Thanks for stopping by today. 


  1. Re: the roses. They may be gone but they will never be forgotten. Strangely, the older and more faded they become, the stronger their fragrance. There is probably a lesson in that...

  2. That blue sure enhance the ice cold look.

  3. If the roses have bent necks recut the stems under water and most likely they will spring back! Your blue bottles are pretty my husband would like them! Stay warm, I just came in from a game of ball...about 10 minutes was all we could handle both me and the dog:)
