Saturday, March 14, 2015

Saturday Stuff......

It is another sunny day today and the sun casts a strong light on the dove.  This is a younger one that seems more bashful in behavior compared to its parents who are passive too.

 The temperatures are above normal but we still are in late winter conditions.  There is nothing sprouting up yet as it is too early. The iris just stays green most of the winter if it has leaves around it and the snow covers it before the hard freezes.  The rhizomes are tough roots.

 We saw yesterday two different parents out buying bicycles for their kids at Walmart.  They were first time bikes as the size of them were the smallest.  I don't know if there was a sale but we saw them being taken to van and a car.  The little pink one had its training wheels already installed and a dad was carrying it. The other one, a mom, was probably for a child a few years older. She was trying to get it in a backseat of a car. We will drop in temperatures again soon and they won't want to get out and try to learn to ride them.  My first new bike ended up being two used bikes from a farm sale.  I remember the smaller red one was the one that I used learning the riding skill.  I coasted down in the back of our shed on a dirt road. I was old enough to get it figured out quickly.  Our farm had a lot of dirt roads to travel in order to get to the corn fields and the bike was quiet when you rode in the dirt. I would ride out and back on the 240 acre farm just to have something today.

We are having a quiet Saturday with no plans of any excitement.  The house seems quiet with no television on and the furnace isn't running.  I can hear the cockatiel birds chirping and Barney moving around the house looking for opportunities.  The bird feeders outside are vacant except for a starling once in a while.  The sun is bright but we were cool outside at 34 degrees F.   I wish you all to have a good day and a great weekend. Thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

  1. We are still having rain now for three days and nights.(need to get my boat ready).lol
    I remember my first bike and what a thrill, mine came from Sears Roebuck and I got to ride it home.
    Got my first pot of spring flowers to day at the run in to Wal-Mart. White/yellow daffodils.
    Glad you are having a nice quiet day.
