Friday, March 13, 2015

Friday......with no Frills.

The good news is that I successfully transplanted this rose to a new location.  It survived the winter.  I now need to get out and chop back the stems down to the green and then I will just watch it.  There really isn't any bad news here other than the creeping Charlie is growing well again this year. This is the William Baffin rose which should do well in this new location. 

My Arizonian brother asked about my snow and if I still had some.  Yes I did have still have some  yesterday and this is the last of it on my property. This was the snow bank that formed in  front of my car in the driveway.  I didn't check this morning but I bet it was melted before morning.

There are a few banks of snow around town yet that had been created by snowplowing but I am certain that I am snow free.  Our weather has been strange, abnormal, as we are suppose to be 26 degrees cooler than what it is.  We will cool down back to normal next week.

It really isn't a pretty sight out there as it is warmer than usual but there isn't any sprouts of peonies or other bulb plants. The grass is a little green. It is too early for all of that. The dead morning glory vines are sad as they hang around below the wren house.  Robins are back but the wrens won't show up for another month.

The hardy geranium that I shared earlier is enjoying the longer days of light.  You can see many blooms are now open in comparison to the one or two that were all I had before.

Spring break is next week so I get off early from work this week.  It was a bonus to come to work today to find out that it is an early out.  I was thinking the today would be a long day as the kids won't want to work for many reasons.  I was cheered to see one of my students putting the abbreviated schedule on the board.  

I am slowed today with my left hand not wanting to work well.  Typing takes more strength and flexibility than one realizes when a couple of fingers cramp up on you.  My wife is feeling so much better.  Not totally out of the woods but oh so much better.  We are looking forward to a week of freedom in the future.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Things are looking up, sure will be glad to see some green then color of spring flowers.
    We are wet, wet here. The spring rains have started.

  2. Your rose look good! I need to trim mine and take some cuttings:)
